Pinned Content in Swarm

Importing discussion from github Pinned Content in Swarm · Issue #1274 · ethersphere/swarm · GitHub


Nodes in Swarm may wish to retain certain chunks for various reasons.
For example, they might want to keep certain content available in Swarm
either because their operator owns it or because they have been paid to
do so. This ticket is for the design of an extension to Swarm’s local database
that would facilitate the management of such content.

The problem with the naive implementation of simply flagging pinned content
is that it is not clear under what conditions can the flag be removed.
Instead of flags, we can use reference counters, whereby chunks with a
non-zero reference count can be considered pinned/flagged. Fortunately,
Swarm references, both encrypted and unencrypted are guaranteed to be
cycle-free. Thus, reference counters can be initialized by resetting all
to zero and then simply traversing references from a given root while
increasing the reference counter for each encountered chunk. Similarly,
dereferencing requires a decrement at each chunk encountered during a

For practical reasons, I suggest that stickiness (the property of being pinned)
is defined by accessibility from a single root, stored locally. Thus, we can
effectively reuse already existing tools for managing sticky content.


Unfinished traversals can leave the database in an inconsistent state.
However, since concurrent traversals do not result in race conditions,
if the state of all unfinished traversal is available, they can simply
be finished, thus restoring consistency. The state of a traversal is
described by a root reference and a path descriptor. In the path
descriptor we find ordinal numbers for references found in intermediate
chunks as well as those found in manifests. In both cases, in addition
to unambiguously marking the location of the reference, we need to
indicate whether or not that particular reference is encrypted or not.

While optimizations are obviously possible, the simplest way of updating
reference counters in case of change of root reference is increasing
counters in a tranversal from the new root and then dereferencing the
old root.

If the states of ongoing traversals is lost, consistency can be restored
by setting all reference counters to zero and traversing from the root.

In order not to require a full scan of all chunks, reference counters
can have a label identifying the consistency epoch. If a new epoch is
started, reference counters with the old label should be treated as zero.

If a manifest with many files is pinned, and later if a new file is added/removed from the manifest, should we unpin the old manifest and repin the new one? or should we just leave this as it is?

I think @nagydani’s suggestion is that you should not unpin the old manifest automatically.
When the new manifest is pinned, all the chunks belonging to both the old and new manifests will now have a pin reference counter of 2.